$80 $46.99 - Ends Soon
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Pre-Launch offer ·  Limited Time Only

Know your obligatory Islamic knowledge?

Learn everything in 5 minutes a day with Duolingo-style lessons.

Learn everything Allah commands you to know.

Just 5 minutes a day with Duolingo-style lessons.
Eligible for Full Refund
· Ending Soon
Hanafi Madhab
Can I join someone praying alone? 🧍‍♂️
I’ve forgotten which rakat I’m on? 🧠
Can I wipe over socks for wudu? 🧦
Can I use inhaler whilst fasting? 💊
How do I pray when travelling? ✈️
When is tayyamum allowed? 🏜️
Can I eat shellfish? 🍤
I’ve forgotten which rakat I’m on, what do I do?
How do I make up missed prayers?
How do I do witr prayer?
I’ve forgotten which rakat I’m on, what do I do?
Become an expert at dealing with common scenarios ...
Can I shorten & join prayers when travelling? ✈️
Can I read the Quran on my period? 🩸
Can I make wudu with nail polish? 💅
Can I wipe over my socks for wudu? 🧦
Mistake in prayer, what now?
Is it permissible to eat shellfish? 🍤
When is tayammum allowed? 💦

Muslims have an emergency.

7 in 10 got this basic question wrong.

No valid ghusl = no valid salah.

Do you need Jibreel?

5 fard ayn questions (Hanafi madhab); knowledge every Muslim must know.

Question 1 of 5Which of the following is a requirement for Ghusl to be valid?

Starting with Bismillah
Doing a complete wudu
Setting intention to do ghusl
Rinsing the nose
Wash the entire body 3x

Question 2 of 5Ahmed is from the UK and is visiting his family in Palestine for 3 weeks. How should he pray?

Shorten and combine prayers for the duration of the visit
Pray normally (not shorten or combine)
Shorten prayers up until 15 days then pray normally
Only shorten prayers during the journey. Pray normally upon arrival in Palestine.

Question 3 of 5You are praying salah at an airport and your jacket with your wallet inside is with your luggage on the side of the room. You wallet only has £5 inside and you see someone taking your wallet. Can you break your salah to stop them?


Question 4 of 5What is the minimum distance a person must intend to travel to make them a traveller?

42 miles from their residence
42 miles outside their city boundary
48 miles from their residence
48 miles outside of their city boundary

Question 5 of 5You are a traveller according to Hanafi fiqh and are feeling energetic, how should you pray?

Pray the full four rakats
Shorten prayers to 2 rakats
Shorten prayers to 2 rakats and combine in one prayer time
Pray the full four rakats and sunnah prayers


Don't risk your akhira.

Become an expert at dealing with these scenarios + hundreds more.

FIQH (islamic law)

Become an expert at dealing with common scenarios.

How do I pray when travelling? ✈️
Can I read Quran on my period? 🩸
Can I make wudu with nail polish? 💅
Wiping over my socks in wudu? 🧦
Mistake in prayer, what now?
Is it permissible to eat shellfish? 🍤
When is tayammum allowed? 💦
+ thousands more ...
  • Ablution (Wudu)
  • The Purificatory Bath (Ghusl)
  • Dry Ablution (Tayyammum)
  • Wiping Footgear (Khuffs)
  • Menstruation (Hayd)
  • Postnatal Bleeding (Nifas)
  • Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (Istihada)
  • Types of Filth & Purification from them
  • Wells
  • Types of Saliva
  • Cleaning After Relieving Oneself (Istinja)
  • Prayer Times
  • The Call to Prayer (Adhan)
  • Commencement of Prayer (Iqama)
  • Conditions of the Prayer (Sharait)
  • Integrals of the Prayer (Arkan)
  • Mandatory Parts of the Prayer (Wajibat)
  • Emphasised Sunnas of the Prayer
  • Etiquette (Adab) of the Prayer
  • Supplications of the Prayer
  • Things that Invalidate the Prayer (Mufsidat)
  • Things that are Disliked in the Prayer (Makruhat)
  • Things that are Permissible in the Prayer
  • Things that are Disliked in the Prayer (Makruhat)
  • Breaking the Prayer
  • Abandoning the Prayer
  • Praying on a Riding Animal
  • Prayer of the Traveller
  • Praying of the Sick Person
  • Being Absolved of the Obligation of Prayer
  • Being Absolved of the Obligation of Fasting
  • The Witr Prayer
  • The Emphasised Sunnah Prayers
  • The Night Vigil of Ramadan (Tarawih)
  • Praying Inside the Kaba
  • Making up Missed Prayers (Qada)
  • Catching the Congregational Prayer
  • The Prostration of Forgetfulness (Sujid al-Sahw)
  • The Prostration of Recital (Sajdat al-Tilawa)
  • The Prostration of Gratitude
  • A method of warding off every harm and stress
  • The Friday Prayer (Jumu‘a)
  • The Eid Prayer
  • The Prayer of Eclipse (Kusuf wa Khusuf)
  • The Prayer for Rain (Istisqa’)
  • The Prayer of Fear (Salat al-Khawf)
  • The Funeral Prayer (Janaza)
  • Burial
  • Martyrs (Shuhada)
  • The Intention of Fasting
  • The Crescent Moon (Hilal)
  • Things that Invalidate the Fast (Mufsidat)
  • Fasts that require making up and expiation
  • Fasts that require making up without expiation
  • Fasts that require nothing and are not disliked
  • Fasts that require nothing yet are disliked
  • Exemptions From Fasting
  • Spiritual Retreat in the Mosque (Isikaf)
  • Eligible Recipients of Zakat
  • Charity at the End of Ramadan (Sadaqat al-Fitr)
  • How to Perform the Rites of Hajj
  • The Lesser Pilgrimage (Umra)
  • Expiation (Fidya) for Violations (Jinayat)
  • Violations of Pilgrim Sanctity and Ceremonial Rites
  • Hunting Violations
  • Ritual Sacrifice of Eid Al-Adha (Udhiya)
  • Ritual Slaughter of Animals (Dhabaih)
  • Animals That are Lawful or Unlawful to Eat
  • Hunting (Sayd)
  • Supplications of Wudu
  • The Call to Prayer and Its Commencement
  • Supplications of the Ritual Prayer (Salat)
  • Supplication of the Witr Prayer (Qunut)
  • The Prayer of Making a Decision (Salat al-Istikhara)
  • The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Haja)
  • The Fourteen Verses of Prostration
  • The Takbirs of Tashriq
  • Supplications Related to the Deceased
  • Supplications of the Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Practice with Certainty

Complete your Fard Ayn

Practice with Certainty
Just 5 Minutes a Day
What's your akhira worth?
A standard Netflix subscription is £10.99 / month.

This is over 3.7x the cost of a Jibreel subscription!
Food Delivery
Average order value for a single delivery in the UK is £23.80.

This is almost 8x the cost of a Jibreel subscription!
Online Courses
We looked at a variety of traditional online video-based courses. `

Costs are around £25 a month.
Get Jibreel - $39.99  $80
Hadith Jibreel (AS)
The most famous hadith in Islam where angel Jibreel (AS) summarises Islam.
I'm getting married, can I buy titanium ring? 💍
My eczema is flaring, what can I do for wudu? 🫳🏼
I have Type I Diabetes, should I fast in Ramadan? 🌙
Get early bird access - $1.67/month
Ask a (real) Sheikh.
Any time.
Get answers to unique questions you can't find online (within 48 hours). No AI.
I'm getting married, can I buy titanium ring? 💍
My eczema is flaring, what can I do for wudu? 🫳🏼
I have diabetes, should I fast Ramadan? 🌙
Get Jibreel - $80 $46.99

Stop Googling.
Get trusted answers.

Get reliable answers to common questions - only trusted sources and a single madhab.
How do I pray when I'm travelling ✈️ ?
I can't remember 🤔 if I have wudu, can I pray?
I'm injured 🤕, how do I pray?
I have no wudu, no water 🌵, but need to pray.
What if I accidentally break my fast? 😳
Is jumua 🕌 compulsory when I'm travelling?
What breaks my wudu? 💦
What are the essentials of ghusl 🗝️ ?
I’ve forgotten which rakat I’m on, what do I do? 🧠
What do I do if the Imam makes a mistake? ❌
Can I join someone who is praying alone?🧍
Is wine vinegar permissible? 🍷
Can I eat shellfish? 🍤
What do I do if I make a mistake in prayer? ❌
How do I make wudu with a broken arm? 🦴
Can I pray if my clothes are dirty? 💩
If I have a long menstruation do I start praying again? 🩸
I’ve forgotten which rakat I’m on, what do I do?
How do I make up missed prayers?
How do I do witr prayer?
I’ve forgotten which rakat I’m on, what do I do?
What are the rules around different types of bleeding/discharge? 💦
Learn everything you need
... just 5 minutes a day.
Clear & concise lessons that help you remember & apply knowledge, whilst having fun!
BITESIZE daily lessons
fun interactive lessons
beautiful design
Duolingo made learning a new language dead easy with quick, fun, interactive lessons.

Learning Islamic knowledge that Allah made obligatory should be the same.

Learn with bitesize lessons waiting for coffee, during your commute, or after prayer
Get early bird access - $1.67/month
Cancel Anytime Before Launch
You can cancel your subscription anytime before the app launch and receive a full refund — completely risk-free!

Subscribe before launch to enjoy 50% discount off subscriptions for life.

The beta version of the app will be shared with early subscribers soon inshaAllah.
Subscribe to Jibreel (50% Discount)Dismiss
Starting with the
Hanafi Madhab
We're starting with the Hanafi madhab but plan to expand to all four schools of thought: Shafi'i, Maliki and Hanbali, inshaAllah.

This decision was made after speaking to leading scholars who highlighted the Hanafi madhab (school of thought) as the most popular for those living in the West.
Subscribe to JibreelDismiss
Verified Sources.
Trusted Scholars.
The printing press revolutionised Islamic scholarship by increasing the availability and standardisation of knowledge, empowering a wider audience to engage with Islamic texts. It laid the foundation for the modernisation of education and the spread of new ideas across the Muslim world.

We're now in the tech and computer era ... apps have taken over!
We only work with trusted scholars and traditional texts.

Our core text is the traditional and well respected text "Ascent to Felicity" (Maraqi al-Sa'adat) - a comprehensive primer in Islamic creed and Hanafi jurisprudence, authored by the esteemed 11th-century scholar Imam Abu'l-Ikhlas Hasan al-Shurunbulali.

Our lessons will reference the exact pages & chapters from our sources.
Before Jibreel
  • Complete confusion
  • Conflicting answers on Google (+ multiple schools of thoughts)
  • Often no relevant answers online
  • Questionable & unreliable sources
  • Constant debates with family & friends on what is the right way.
After Jibreel
  • Absolute clarity & peace of mind.
  • Practicing with certainty - know exactly what to do in every scenario
  • Trusted answers within seconds
  • Single madhab (school of thought)
  • One "go-to" source of truth.
  • Covered all my obligations
Starting with Hanafi School of Thought
There are 4 schools of thoughts within Islam - variations reflecting differences in methodologies.

We're starting with the Hanafi madhab, the most popular in the West, but plan to include all the schools of thought soon! Learn more about madhabs here

Interested in other madhabs? Sign up your interest here
Build streaks
Islamic education should become a peromanent part of your dialy life.

Become a better version of yourself by building an unbreakable streak, learning a little, every day.
Effortless learning
We use quizes throughout our lessons because research shows that testing yourself on a new topic early on can rapidly accelerate learning.

Questions keep lessons fun & engaging.
High yield, low effort
We utilise high-yield techniques the top 1% of university students use to learn.

Spaced learning & repetition accelerate memorisation using minimal time.

Our story ...

As medical students in London, we realised we were practising our faith based on too many assumptions. 🤔

How did we know what we were doing was right? ⁉️

Our akhira was hanging in the balance. 😟

That was simply unacceptable. 🚫

We had so many questions:

- Were we praying correctly? 🙏
- How do we make ghusl? 🚿
- When do we start paying zakat? 💰
- What about prayer while travelling? ✈️

That’s when we learned about fard ‘ayn—knowledge every Muslim needs to perform obligatory actions. 📚

If the action is obligatory, then the knowledge to perform it is also obligatory! 💡

Without it, so much could go wrong. Imagine if all our prayers were invalid. 😰

We searched everywhere—Google, books, courses—but the answers were:

- Overwhelming 😥
- Confusing 😵
- Hard to keep up with alongside a busy schedule. 🩺📖

How was it so hard to learn critical Islamic knowledge, yet so easy to learn a language on Duolingo? 🤔

That’s why we built Jibreel—a simple, interactive app to help Muslims learn core Islamic knowledge. 🌟📲

We realised this problem isn’t just ours—it affects billions of Muslims worldwide. 🌍

We’re not training scholars. We’re helping everyday Muslims like you learn what Allah expects—to make you whole as a Muslim. ❤️

Join us. 🚀

Bismillah. Alhamdulillah. 🤲🏼
From the Creators of Pillars
Pillars serves 1,000,000+ users across the world with their prayer (salah). We've been featured by Apple, Islam Channel and many more.

Now we want to build for our Ummah an app everyone will absolutely love using to learn obligatory Islamic knowledge (Fard Ayn).


What is Jibreel?
Jibreel is the "Duolingo" for fard ayn (obligatory Islamic knowledge).

Fard ayn is knowledge that Allah has made obligatory on every Muslim.

It's knowledge that allows you to fulfill your obligations and without it you cannot be sure you are doing so correctly or at all!

Jibreel helps Muslims easily learn and find core Islamic knowledge required for everyday life using short, fun, and interactive lessons.
What is your source material?
Our core text is the traditional text "Ascent to Felicity" (Maraqi al-Sa'adat), a very comprehensive and well respected traditional source in Islamic creed and Hanafi jurisprudence, authored by the esteemed 11th-century scholar Imam Abu'l-Ikhlas Hasan al-Shurunbulali.
Throughout our lessons we will reference chapters and pages from the book.
When are you launching?
UPDATE: inshaAllah we will be launch to during Ramadan 2025 and are now going through the approval process with Apple & Google for the app stores!

v1.0 will include the first set of lessons for you to start using Jibreel, enough to begin your journey!

NOTE: This will only available to paid subscribers
Are you using AI in the app?
No, we feel strongly that all Islamic knowledge should be edited and reviewed by scholars before being given to users. Therefore, the use of AI to generate, for example, provide fiqhi answers is dangerous given the risk of hallucinations etc. and given the sacred importance of what Jibreel is trying to teach.

Our content is curated based on reputable sources based on our rich tradition and reviewed by trusted scholars.
What topics will v1.0 cover? What does the early bird subscription give you access to?
Jibreel v1 will focus on personally obligatory knowledge (fard al-‘ayn) knowledge, starting with the field of fiqh (Islamic law/jurisprudence) as per the Hanafi madhab (school of thought).

This sacred obligatory knowledge that Allah has made obligatory on every Muslim.

Jibreel is not intended for those seeking more advanced knowledge or to become scholars/students of knowledge.
What madhab (school of thought) are you using?
Hanafi madhab as per the advice of multiple well-known scholars in the West.

InshaAllah we have plans to expand to the other madhaahib in the future!

If you're interested in other schools of thoughts like Shafi'i, Maliki or Hanbali madhabs please sign up your interest here.
Who are the scholars behind the app?
We appreciate the importance of knowing who is behind these projects and vetting the information! 

A project like this requires the oversight of trusted and reliable scholars with experience in the field.

We will be announcing scholars and advisors of Jibreel shortly on the website in due course inshaAllah!
What do you mean by 40% lifetime discount?
This means you will get 40% off the annual Jibreel subscription, forever, as part of our "pre-launch" offering.

This is for a short and limited time only. We will never provide a lifetime offer again.

We are also reducing the lifetime discount as we get closer to launch.
Will I be charged immediately if I get the subscription? When does my subscription start?

However, your subscription start date will not begin until Jibreel has fully launched on the app store (you will be notified and invited to download via email too).

You will next be charged (with the 40% discount) 12-months after launch date.

Example: you secure pre-launch subscription today in December 2025. You're charged in December 2025. App is launched and available to download on 1st February 2025. Your next payment will be taken 1st February 2026 with 40% off the annual subscription cost.
Can I get a refund if I change my mind?
Yes, of course!

You may get a full refund at any time without a reason up until app launch on the App Store.

After this date you can cancel future payments (subscription renewals) but you will no longer be eligible for a refund. You can do this by emailing us at salaam@jibreelapp.com.

Please note that if you cancel your subscription you will no longer have access to the 40% lifetime discount.
Is there a family plan?
Yes, inshaAllah we will be offering a family plans in the future (e.g. via Apple Family Sharing).

These plans will allow you to give Jibreel access to your loved ones.

If you sign up to Jibreel today you will a) also receive the 40% discount on the family plan when you upgrade b) you will only pay the difference in cost between the individual plan and family plan
When does the discount end?
The discount will end near to launch date. However, there is no specified date. Therefore, we recommend you getting your subscription as soon as possible. The subscription start date will only begin once the app has fully launched and is available to download. Therefore, you don't miss out by subscribing early!
Will you be sharing a beta version of the app?
Yes inshaAllah, we will only be sharing this with our early bird subscribers.
Is there a free tier of the app?
Sadly not. We want to build a world-class product and development team for Jibreel to help educate billions of Muslims across the world using our app. We unfortunately cannot do this without funding!

The good news 🥳 = by subscribing you are supporting an app that will inshaAllah help millions of other Muslims to learn how to practice Islam correctly ... just imagine the reward associated with that ... so join us :)  
Why are you charging?
We want to build a world-class app and team for Jibreel to help educate billions of Muslims across the world using our app! 

We unfortunately cannot do this without funding.

The good news 🥳 = by subscribing you are supporting our mission to helping billions of Muslims learn their fard ayn (obligatory Islamic knowledge) that they use in their daily Islamic practice ... imagine the reward!

So join us and share the reward :)
Are you hiring / looking for interns / help or support at the moment?
We aren't actively hiring at the moment but if you're interested in joining the team please drop us an email at salaam@jibreelapp.com so that we can keep you in mind!

We are interested in speaking to people with strong experiences in social media and graphic designers.
Will the app be available on iPhone and Android?
Yes, inshaAllah.
Can I download the app today?
No, but you can get an early bird subscription which gives you 40% discount for life (and only begins after we launch on the App Store) and you will get first access to the beta before anyone else.

The Team

Dr Abdul-Rahman Abbas

"Salaam! 👋🏼 I'm Abdul-Rahman, co-founder of Jibreel and the Pillars app helping 1,000,000+ Muslims pray around the world.

I trained as a doctor at UCL but also have additional degrees in Neuroscience (BSc) and Education (PGCert). I was a Cambridge University teaching fellow and academic doctor in the NHS and have also founded two other successful Educational Tech companies.

I'm building Jibreel because it's exactly what I wish I had access to years ago."

Dr Abdallah Abbas

"Salaam! 🙌🏽 My name is Abdallah and I'm a UCL doctor and also have a second degree in software development (coding!).

My dissertation was supervised by a leading Professor at Google DeepMind in HealthTech AI, utilising advanced AI algorithms. I've published multiple times and am currently an educational fellow in the NHS.

I'm passionate about building an app you'll absolutely love to use regularly to learn sacred core Islamic knowledge".